Got my mojo back

It seems that motivation has hit me hard this week. After weeks of not doing much at all, I appear to have my new Consul nearly painted in no time at all!I just have a few details left to finish on him, like the Crystals/ Phosphex Bombs on his chest and a little more...

Slow progress

It's been far too hot to really get much hobby done recently. With a massive heatwave ungulfing the UK atm, it's been a struggle for me to do much at all, let alone sit down and get some hobby done.Then last week Forge World managed to spur me into action by finally...

Catching up

It's been a busy couple of weeks for me. I've had time off and actually gotten a fair amount of hobby time and gaming in, but Pokemon Regionals have meant I haven't really had much time for blogging. It's quite annoying, as I feel like I'm now playing catchup, but...

Tank Holiday Monday

I said the other day that I planned to start washing and weathering my terrain over the bank holiday weekend. Well that hasn't quite worked out to plan. Between lacking the paints I need and being called into work tonight, it looks like I'm going to have to postpone...

Quick and easy terrain pt2

My terrain building kick continues and really shows no sign of letting up.This time I've built a larger terrain piece for Necromunda: Built mostly from a couple of baby milk tubs and some drinking straws, I actually made this with a more practical purpose in mind...