Here come the "girls"

Pow!!! thats the Slaanesh Daemonettes down. Up next flamers. Actually whizzing through them now. Quite chuffed. I'll calculate the total point value of the army so far, possibly including the non-tournament stuff. Looking at what will be my "prize" at the end of the...

Plaguebearers done!

So, below are the finished nurgle boys. Next on the list, Daemonettes and maybe the slaany herald so thats all my heralds done.

School Photo 2010

So here is the assembled daemon force for the doubles tourney. Granted 50% are unpainted... but that's gonna change. I have nearly finished the first daemonette, once that's done I'll finish that squad and the nurgley plaguebearers. That will be all troops finished....


.....and not in the kinky internet way.So I'm trying to get disciplined again for another tournament. This again is the 40K doubles at Warhammer World. Im bringing the whole army this time and my partner is using half. Were going with the daemons. Seems ironic that i...