Hobby ADD – Monday Muster

Here is another entry of Monday Muster where I give a sneak peak of the models I've worked on over the past week. This time around I have put paint on far too many projects but sometimes it's ok just to have fun painting.I put in a few hours into my blood thirsty....

I summoned a daemon in my house – Monday Muster

Welcome to the first entry to Monday Muster. In this series, I am going to show you all what is on mypaint table and what I will be trying to finish for the week.Currently, the call of the Blood God is in my ear so I am spraying blood (red paint) on my Bloodthirster.I...

Why you should be playing House Hawkshroud

Why you should be playing House HawkshroudWelcome to the blog, lets get into some 40k tactics. Since the new Imperial Knight Codex has dropped many people have been trying to figure out which House is the best for them. Too bad we don’t have a sorting hat to...

Is this Pro Painted? Imperial Knight Warden House Hawkshroud

Welcome to the blog, where I showcase my latest painted model and you answer that infamous question. Is this pro painted?This might be the funnest model I have ever painted. The yellow is so eye catching that I may have to paint a whole lance of House Hawkshroud. I...

Hobby – Showcase: Dreadnoughts of the past and present

I have returned, and with me comes the wraith of the Avenging Son. I have jumped on the 30k boat like a lot of 40k players currently. My wallet hates me, but what I do, I do for Calth. My hobby goal is to compete in the this year's armies on parade with my boys in...