It’s the Style Awards!!!!

 It seems Tristan over at Gwpertinent has nominated my boring old blog for something called the Stylish Blogger Awards.  I’ve been chosen to participate in a form of good will internet chain letter. Well,I’d like say that I’m quite tickled to be recognized...

Warhammer 40k Blastscape

Well, it's been a quiet week here around the hobby table. I haven't the time to sit down to do anything major due to numerous outside distractions. Yesterday was the only real chance I had to "hobby" and did not let it go to waste.I stopped the by the LGS, earlier in...

P.Y.T’s Space Marine Give-Away!

Hi everybody! Z and I were talking the other day and decided to have another Contest/Give-away. It’s a pretty straight forward, Join the blog and get the chance to win a free box of the old metal Death Company and Dark Angel Sargent shown here. To further sweeten the...

Space Marine Test Model Pt. 2

Instead of me fooling around with more test models, I decided to sit down and paint up one of the Magnet Marines. As wisely suggested, I took pictures at different angles this time around, so you can see the whole mini. I must admit this single model was quite a...

Space Marine Test Model

I'm not sure where I was going with this scheme. I wanted something metallic, but not silver. I wanted a color that would stand out on the table and at the same time would lend well to my wash-style of painting. After a few tests, we have the model that you see here....