2250pts ETC Barak Varr Dwarfs

I have lately become bored with the point and click nature of my mounted Chaos Warriors army, so i have decided to go back to my Dwarfs for the time being until i get my Chaos infantry sorted.Dwarf Lord: Great Axe, Shield, Shieldbearers, Rune of Resistance, Rune of...


Well my Inquisitor and retinue is virtually built. I say retinue there are enough for a few diffrent builds depending on what role i use her for. Currently with the latest Inquisition rumours regarding the hopefully forthcoming Grey Knights i am holding off somewhat...

Possible 1500pts Inquisition expansion

Here is the first possible Inquisition list to expand my current pure Sisters army. All Chimeras are based off the Imperal Armour 2 update.HQLady Inquisitor Amelia Ro: Force Sword, Bolter-Stake Crossbow, Rosarius, Frag Grenades, Melta Bombs, Auspex, Hammerhand =...

1500pts Sisters of Battle & plans

1500pts Order of Our Martyred Lady: The Tighe CommanderyHQ: Canoness: Blessed Weapon, Bolt Pistol, Cloak of St Aspira, Book of St Lucius, Frag Grenades, Melta Bombs, Auspex = 109pts 6 Celestians: VCS, Eviscerator, Brazier of Holy Fire, Book of St Lucius, Flamer, Heavy...

Damn Internet

Well after numerous internet problems i finally have a partial service back. So i can finally update my blog.The initial 2k WoC list i have been using has worked a treat. Especially the Warshrine, it has worked far better than i imagined that it would. Both in terms...