Current WIP Deathwatch

 Hello one and all! Happy New Year! This weeks update is a WIP of my currnet Deathwatch force. Techmarine - this marine is from a model I bought nearly 20 years ago - the original Forge Father Iron Hands model. I have opted to switch this marine...

2023 – Target Aquired! Hobby Goals

Hello All! I trust you had a great Christmas. Happy New Year!2022 I got back my hobby Mojo, after a year and a half away, mainly due to a house move, and not really getting the urge back.. however I am ready to go, and after a successful 2022, completing my hobby...

WeeMen 2022-12-29 17:00:00

 Hello One and All,My final post for 2022 - a year I've slowly got back into the hobby, and started making a dent in my plastic pile of shame!Up next Primaris...3 Inceptors.These 3 have been painted in the same style as my Deathwatch, all with similar details,...

Deathwatch Veterans – Done!

 Hello All! Furhter additions to the Deathwatch force, this time a 10man Veteran squad. This force is designed to be more forward thinking, with combat weapons and shotguns. The force also has 2 Terminators with lightening claw, and a Blackshield with power...

Deathwatch Veterans and Outriders! – DONE!

 Hello All! Further additions to the growing Deathwatch force, completed this week is a 10 man Veteran squad, and a 3 man Primaris Outrider squad. Veterans. This 10 man squad is designed to be either a hard hitting 10 man squad, or 2, 5 combat...