Emperor of Mankind! Complete!

 Hello one and all!This weeks offering is the big Daddy E! the Emperor of Mankind! this was a purcahse from a well known auction site, with the additon of a FW base from the Gabriel Angelos model.I've painted the model with various tones of gold, with highlights...

Deathwatch Characters – Done!

 Another week, another group of characters to add to my growing Deathwatch force,This time we have a Captain, from the Blood Angels, a Chaplain from the Angels Vermillion, and a Lieutenant from the Blood Swords Chapters.LieutenantThe Lieutentant was build using a...

Deathwatch Marine – Complete!

 Hello one and all!I am sorry for the delay in posting this, I had planned to do this last week - but a bust clutch saw me stuck away for a few days with work..Up this week is a couple of Deathwatch squads that I've been working on - this will annoy Siph as I'm...