Infinity: Converted Order Sergeant Hacker

Infinity: Converted Order Sergeant Hacker

Evening guys,time for the usual Sunday update, this time it is another infinity based one.I have been working on a conversion for an order Sergeant hacker as currently there isn't an official model for it. So after looking through the Infinity range I decided that a...
WiP: The Morbid Saint #2

WiP: The Morbid Saint #2

An update? midweek? What is this madness........Figured that given I missed one the other week I would make up for it now. And what better to show than some progress on the Nurgle Daemon prince. Here he is so far:He is getting closer and closer to completion, just...
Infinity Knights #2

Infinity Knights #2

Well I look rather stupid don't I, 2 weeks without a post in a supposedly weekly blog disgraceful.I do however have valid excuses. first of all I had 2 6 day weeks at work which leave me with little energy to spend on Hobbying, instead I have been reading the rather...
WiP: The Morbid Saint #1

WiP: The Morbid Saint #1

Good afternoon guys,Week 3 and I've managed another blog post, scary isn't it...........I'm back at work this week so painting time has been rather limited, however the first order sergeant for my infinity knights is approaching completion. He will likely feature in a...
WIP – Infinity Knights #1

WIP – Infinity Knights #1

Well I've kept my promise (That'll teach you Sheep ;) ), here is the first of what I hope will be weekly posts on what I have been up to hobby wise.This week its focusing on some stuff I have had sitting around for a while but have been too scared to attempt to paint...