Ghostwolf’s Company (I)

 My oft delayed Primaris Space Wolves army has finally been finished. It was a truly enjoyable project. Of course no 40K army is ever really finished, I already have two new units to add to it, and I'm sure more will follow. Let's take a quick look at the HQ...

World Eaters Wednesday #3

 As any army grows over time, and especially over editions, some units become less useful or just left behind altogether. Here we see my Forlorn Five, units that where red hot back in day, but now rarely see the tabletop. The Heldrake (I think) looks cool,...

Combat Patrol Dust Up

 The Combat Patrol missions for 9th Edition have turned out to be quite entertaining. Quick battles let you pick some fun army lists that you may not normally have tried. We did a Ork vs Tyranid battle. Mrs Blackheart's force had a Warboss, 5 Nobz, 20 Ladz,...

New Blogger Format Test

Standby: New Posts incoming. The Space Wolves finally Get painted!Hmm. This new Blogger interface is...let's be nice and say, needs some work.Don't Anger the Machine SpiritsI Need Some New Incantations 

Ghaz: The Next Generation

Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka. The name alone should inspire. Fear or confidence. Depends on what side you are on.My first Ork army was for the Armageddon Campaign (2000) so I didn't have the nine year old Ghaz figure , but I did have the (then) new Mega-Armor model. He...