As any army grows over time, and especially over editions, some units become less useful or just left behind altogether. Here we see my Forlorn Five, units that where red hot back in day, but now rarely see the tabletop. 

The Heldrake (I think) looks cool, and it is okay-ish on the field, but just not worth the points anymore. I'll give it a go in 9th just for fun, and maybe it will surprise me or better yet, my opponent. 

Fresh from Apocalypse (2007) it's the Brass Scorpion! 

A challenging kitbash, but very cool indeed. It will have its own post soon, with yet more new homemade rules!
Speaking of house rules, I will make some new ones for Krogor the Bloodmad as well. He is a fun Dreadnought, or whatever they Chaosy version is called today. Also works as a standard Helbrute. Yes, I looked it up.

Koldan, Lord on Juggernaut, does have rules (Legends)  but has always struggled to find a place in the army. Maybe he will be the Daemon liaison officer? He is a very early '90s figure but I still like him.

Daemon Prince Kylar. Actually good on the field, just doesn't show up that often. I am thinking of redoing him with a fancy new plastic model. Then he will have the imposing stature a Daemon Prince should have. 

Next up: Space Wolves

Blood For the Blood God!
Even Old Timers Have a Quota