The tale of 20 armies

The tale of 20 armies

I have been playing 40k since 2007 and have continuously played the game since then. I was starting to get a little bored of 5th ed, though 6th ed brought some life back into 40k for me. I do play other armies regularly too, mostly board games such as King of Tokyo...


Just a small announcement; Saturday 7th I am getting married to the missus. We have been together 13 years (almost to the day) and have spawned two children; I've got the set, a girl and boy. As my main computer access is at work and here is where I do my blogging,...
Fight to the bitter end?

Fight to the bitter end?

A quick one today; when playing 40k do you fight to the bitter end or will you concede when you no there's zero chance of victory or a draw? I have played against people who will keep playing the game until it ends or they are tabled. I have also played against people...
Competitive Orks?

Competitive Orks?

I've always liked Orks since I got into 40k. In fact I have liked them way before I got into 40k; when I was a wee bear I would look at White Dwarf in my local news agents and remember seeing Ork models. The ramshackle appearance with angled joints with riveted panels...