News: Big Space Marine rumour drop

via both 40KRadio and 40KWarzoneUNIT CHANGES-Chaplains are HQ , W:2, A:2 and grant Zealot.-Master of the Forge gains It Will Not Die-Scouts drop 2 points, can take LS Storm as a dedicated transport.-Tacticals drop 2 points.-Devastators drop 2...

Battle Report: Ravenwing vs Tyranids – 2,000 points

This is my third game using Ravenwing this week. I am hoping to score another victory and claim a hat trick. My first game was against Dark Eldar, I got very lucky and managed to seize the initiative. Basically is snowballed from there. My second game was against...

News: Space Marine Hunter, Centurion, HQ pics

The Hunter looks ok. It would be nice if the Predator comes with beefed up armour just like that. The Centurions still look weird, but not as bad as the Imperial Fist ones with the drills. Did Matt Ward write the rules for these? Chaplain looks sweet. The Librarian...