News: Space Marine model range leak

Here's some info for you: Via Herr Dexter on Dakka  Hey guysI managed to get a deeper look into the upcoming White Dwarf which obviously showcases the new SM stuff. I promised not to take any pictures and since my possible future early insight into WD...

News: New Space Marine models!

Not really sure what weapons the first models have, look like siege drills to me. These are the new heavy support units. The vehicle is the Stalker or the other one, anti flyer duty is it's bag.

Battle Report: Ravenwing vs Dark Eldar – 2,000 points

This is my first game of 40k in a week; I've been busy painting Ravenwing :) . Playing against long time king of noobs, Poddy. Poddy has taken a break from 40k for a couple of months and has been playing some weird game called Blood Bowl or he has just being generally...

Blog Exchange!

Sharing is caring, so I am going to run a blog exchange for two weeks. So if you would like your blog to be on my blog roll then just a comment below with your blog link or e-mail If you are a UK blogger then be sure to let me know so I...