Mech Blood Angels – will it work?

I hear that mech is making a come back, well it never went away, really. It only went away for those having a knee jerk reaction about their unstoppable Rhino boxes. 6th ed brought balanced and fair vehicle rules. Sure Rhinos are a little flimsy, but they are only...

IDIC Beer giveaway

Check this out if you want some cool laser cut fortifications Sorry only brief, posting from blogger app on my phone. Make sure you google+ this as well!

The Dark Mechanicus Think Tank

As much as I have grumbled about Chaos Daemons I think I am going to come back to then after my wedding is out the way (selling myself 7th Sept, not long now!) and start a Chaos Daemons army. Actually, I like, it will be a Dark Mechanicus army. Reason for Dark Mech is...