Tournaments – a waste of time or a good lol?

40k tournaments are a funny thing, they are like marmite, you either like love them or hate them. Tournaments have a reputation of being attended by super hardcore players, rules lawyers and TFG. This isn't true, tournaments have general players going there and really...

E-Mail: Grey Knights w/ allies?

Grey Knights - 1,500 points HQ Ordo Malleus Inquisitor - 25 Troops 10x Strike Knights, 2x psycannon, hammer, Rhino - 270 10x Strike Knights, 2x psycannon, hammer, Rhino - 270 5x Strike Knights, psycannon, Razorback, Psybolt ammo - 160 5x Strike Knights, psycannon,...

Tactica: Dark Eldar Beastmasters

Dark Eldar Beastmasters are one of my favourite units in the Dark Eldar codex. I have been using them since I have being playing Dark Eldar and think they are needed in every Dark Eldar army. This tactica guide is going to show a cunning Beastmaster how to get the...

Tactica: How to deal with Tau

Tau are hitting heavy at the moment in the 40k scene. They are a great codex and bring the usual high amount of Tau dakka along with some very cool items of wargear and units to buff them even further to greatness. A typical competitive Tau list would look something...

Tactica: Ravenwing Black Knights

Ravening Black Knights at first glance seem pretty expensive, but when you look at the full picture they are well worth the cost and fill a variety of roles. Here's the low down on how to get more out the Black Knights. Know your Knight The Black Knight is the veteran...