Tactica: Eldar Vyper

The Eldar Vyper is a cool little fast attack unit, it is about the same size as a Dark Eldar Venom and can deliver nearly as much fire power for about the same cost points. Know your Vyper Even though the Vyper is mentioned as a jetbike in the fluff, take note that is...

Battle Report: Eldar vs Tau – 2,000 points

Some more testing of my Eldar Serpent list and this time against the other latest xeno book; Tau. Shaun has had just as many games with his Tau as I have Eldar. He has a tight list too, which will be interesting, but I know it is missile spam heavy and my av12...

Battle Report: Necrons vs Eldar – 2,000 points

Played John and his Eldar Serpent Spam list on Friday. I couldn't decide whether to use Ravenwing or Necrons. I had used Ravenwing lately and John decided to test his mettle against the Necrons. Necrons 'Mechrons' - 2,000 points HQ Necron Overlord w/ Catacomb Command...

E-Mail: Tau Gunline

So, I been looking at your website and I really like your tau gunline list, then I made a list myself and looked on dakka and you have a list so simmilar to it so I want to ask if my list is any good. I am going for 1750 pts so I can't take as much. ...

E-Mail: Tau & Space Marines

Hi,  I've seen mercer's blogs posts and ran across him a time or two on dakka, was wondering if he would be willing to give some list advice?  I have a tourny comming up, and even outside of that would love some feedback good or bad on a list I've had in the...