Battle Report: Eldar vs Chaos Daemons – 1,650

Yeah I know it is a weird amount of points, but my opponent, PJ, has a tournament at 1650 points in a month and I am helping him get some practice in. This will be the fourth time I am using Serpent Spam so I am hoping I have got most of the rules sorted and know what...

Chaos Rhinos for sale

Got these five Chaos Rhinos for sale. Two are painted Emperor's Children colour scheme, though need finishing off with highlights and touching up. The others have just been undercoated black and have been previously painted. All have greenstuff flesh mutations, so...

Listen here you, Dark Eldar rock!

Right, I've had it up to here of people saying Dark Eldar aren't any good in 6th edition. I am like some raging fluff bunny who has just witnessed Marneus Calgar being painted Blood Angel red. Dark Eldar are my favourite army to play in 40k (yes, I love them more than...

10 things you should know about 6th codices

Just over a year ago I wrote this article: 10 things you should know about 40k codex. Recently someone said what a great article it is and it would be great if I could do one on sixth edition codices, so here I am. I'll say that I do not know every tiny little...