Abaddon the Despoiler challenges you!

I've got a complete boner over Abaddon lately; this guy is the ultimate beat stick unit in 40k and I think is perhaps the best single close combat model in the entire game. To show why Abaddon is the Warmaster I think going to do some 1v1 challenges and test Abaddon's...

40k 6th ed codex builds

At the current time of writing this post there are five 6th ed codices; Chaos Space Marines, Dark Angels, Chaos Daemons, Tau and Eldar - Eldar is the newest book on the block. The codices in 5th ed tend to have limited builds and in some cases become even more limited...

Hobby: WIP Sammael, Master of the Ravenwing

Originally I thought I had finished this last night, but after looking at it again in the morning I need to do some more work; metal trim on the front needs tidying up a little bit, face needs highlights and another coat of wash, the back bit of the cape needs to be...