Guest Article: Leaving 40k

By Adam SmithLeaving Warhammer 40K Behind It's the combination of model kits and the game that are causing problems with Warhammer 40K. £30 for a Tau Broadside or £70 for an Eldar Wraithknight is just the big ugly tip of the iceberg. And when a plastic character model...

Army Lists: Eldar ‘Serpent Spam’ – 2,000 points

I am thinking of running the below for my Eldar force. Yup I know it is spam wagon, but I like fast moving shooty vehicles and really how can you pass on Wave Serpents? Eldar 'Serpent Spam' - 2,000 points HQ Spiritseer Troops 5 x Wraithguard w/ Wave Serpent - Serpent...

Guest Article: Unit Design and Balance

Total Rethink: Unit Design and BalanceBy MephistonedI don’t know about anyone else, but I frequently find myself scratching my head and (other hard to reach places) over GW's unit design and costing. On the one hand we have the laughably ineffective mutilators, on the...

My Prince, my sweet Prince

I recently posted this article: My beef with Chaos Daemons and mentioned in the post that I fancy big monsters and fast units, which luckily for me I am in luck as the Chaos Daemons offers plenty of monsters and some wicked fast units. I've come up with a...

Apocalypse scenery W.D leaks

Ta Taberna De Laurana As you can see, the book at 60 €, 20 € s templates, new fat bugs to 125 €, the Baneblade repackaged to 110 €, the new scenery between 40 and 115 € and each chapter master at 23 €. Then we see some new roll collector's whims dice (with which the...