Eldar Codex Review: Fast Attack

Fast Attack for Eldar today, here is the elites if you missed it: Eldar Elites Review Swooping Hawks Swooping Hawks have taken a massive point decrease from 21 points a model down to 16 points, that's a serious point drop! Swooping Hawks get a new rule called...

Chaos Marines for sale; Rhinos, CSM & Heldrake

All of the above is for sale; I can sell together or split. I have six Rhinos, which I have started painting Emperor's Children. All have greenstuff mutation. Two nicely painted Vindicators in Emperor's Children, also have greenstuff mutation. 16 x Chaos Marines...

Battle Report: Eldar vs Blood Angels – 2,000 points

I decided to give Eldar a whirl yesterday against Rich and his Blood Angels. I've got a list in mind which I am interested to see if works before I start shelling the cash. I used to play Eldar back in 5th, and now I've made up my mind that fast and shooty is my play...

Tactica: Chaos Spawn

Chaos Spawns are weird and wonderful creatures. Model wise G.W just give you a body and a crap load of bits and say "here, knock yourself out". In game they appear average, time to take a deeper look. Know your slime bag Chaos Spawn is a reasonably tough and strong...