Eldar Codex Review: Elites

The Eldar codex review continues with the elites. Last part was Eldar Troops in case you missed it. Howling Banshee The humble Howling Banshee has dropped a single point in the new codex, which considering Banshees get ancient doom and battle focus that's...

Eldar Codex Review: Troops

Continuing on from the Eldar HQ, here are the troops. Here's the Eldar HQ review if you missed it. Dire Avengers The humble Dire Avenger has had a cheeky single point increase in the new codex, but considering the Avenger gets battle focus and anicent enemy in that I...

Eldar Codex Review – HQ

Kicking off with the Eldar codex review is the HQ, lets see what tasty little leader elves we have: Avatar of Khaine The Avatar has increased in points, though is now BS10, gained an extra wound and attack along with becoming I10 - for the Eldar god of war that's not...

Competitive Chaos Space Marines?

I have been trying to get on with Chaos Marines since the codex dropped October last year and now it is doing my fruit in. Every time a 6th ed codex is released Chaos Marines drop further behind and become an even weaker codex. It frustrates me that Dark Angels get...