by Mark Mercer | Nov 23, 2013
Good day to all! Long time no post. As you know no internet connection at home means difficulty posting. At least from my phone I can do small posts.Back in 5th us fellow GW passionists would complain about the speed of the codex releases. Some armies such as...
by Mark Mercer | Nov 11, 2013
I've got six war walkers in various stages of paint for sale. Four have scatter lasers two have brightlances. I have spare weapons and also the canopy.I've also got five warp spiders.I'm looking to part swap for a wraithknight or cash is fine.Email...
by Mark Mercer | Oct 28, 2013
Sorry about the lack if updates; hopefully I should be getting a laptop soon. Here's something to keep you going a bit:
by Mark Mercer | Oct 16, 2013
Long time no post! All busy here at my new work and to be honest my interest in 40k is dying off for one reason or another.One list I've got in my head is a heavy 2+ armour save list. I've already posted a version of the ghostwing, so no, you're not seeing...
by Mark Mercer | Oct 11, 2013
Next week I start a new chapter in my career and I start a new job. I strongly suspect that I won't have as much flexibility at my new job as I do at my current job and that will mean much less blogging time. At the moment I do not have a PC etc at home and only have...