Codex Review: Space Marines – Heavy Support

Codex Review: Space Marines – Heavy Support

Back with another part of the Space Marine codex review and this time it is the heavy support. If you missed the previous part you can find it here: Codex Review: Space Marines - Heavy SupportDevastatorsDevastators have taken a worthy 20 points decrease, which...
Codex Review: Space Marines – Fast Attack

Codex Review: Space Marines – Fast Attack

Another part of the Space Marines codex review rolls into town and hitting it up with the fast attack. If you missed the previous part here it is: Codex Review: Space Marines - EliteAssault SquadA decent points drop for the Assault Squad; 15 points.Everything...
Codex Review: Space Marines – Elites

Codex Review: Space Marines – Elites

Rolling out with the new part of the Space Marine codex review; elites. If you missed the previous review you can find it here: Codex Review: Space Marines - Elites Vanguard Veterans The Vanguard have taken massive changes in the new Space Marine codex; they have...
Codex Review: Space Marines – Troops

Codex Review: Space Marines – Troops

Next part of the Space Marines codex review is the troop section. If you missed the previous part of the review here is a link: Codex Review: Space Marines - HQ Tactical Squad Like many other units in the codex, the Tactical Squad has taken a points drop; a squad...
Codex Review: Space Marines – HQ

Codex Review: Space Marines – HQ

The new Space Marine codex is now here and getting those feathers ruffled with the fanbois. Personally I didn't think the SM codex needed that much of an update and from what I have seen the codex is disappointing from an art point of view as it only re-uses old...