Another Army for Sale: Undead Skaven

Veteran readers will recall this blast from the past, this undead army of skaven. Heavily converted, these beasties slouched across the table to menace my adversaries a few times. Alas, due to being my currently underemployed, they have to go. Ebay listing here....

Blast from the Past: Warhammer Fantasy Samurai Dwarves

EDIT: This army has been SOLD. This was my first army, painted nearly 20 years ago, so bear with me if the painting's a little spare. Quite honestly, I can't believe I never shot and posted them before. They're based on the sculpts from company called Old Glory. At...

WIP: Necromunda Terrain….

I wish they'd modeled the stuff in two layers: a pipes 'n' wires layer and a grate layer. Still, it looks great when it's finished! So, other hobbyists who've worked on this, are you gluing yours static or leaving it completely loose and variable? I'm on the fence...

MWO: Mech Conversions…..

Three conversions to wrap up the MWO stuff before moving on to other things. Many moons ago, during the original Battletech period of the 90's, I modified those old Ral Partha models higgledy piggledy before getting out of it for a number of years. So, in that spirit,...

WIP: The O…..

So I think all of this mecha stuff is going somewhere. Here's a WIP build of the O from Zeta Gundam, made of Heavy Gear, 40k, Battletech, and other parts. The head is from a Loud Ninja Games kit that has... issues.  Besides being heavily armored, surprisingly agile,...