New Gaming Furniture?

Just finished putting some new living room furniture together a few nights ago, when the wife asks, "Now what shall we all put in there?"    Hmm..  I waited a bit until no one was around and then I set up a few thing that I thought should go in...

7th Scansin Individuals

 Commissar Morkelvichka, is the name of my latest side project. She's being done up as she Regimental Commissar for the 7th Scansin. Blood and Glory over at the B&C is what got me motivated to finally finish her. And after a finally getting an hour of time to...

Operation Stonewall (Day 16) – Battle Report

Cpt.  Milford's first mistake, setting up his defensive live to close to the enemy.The downfall of 14th Company, 313th DTR.  It began in the early evening on Friday the 13th. Three and half hours later, and I saw my entire army get chewed through as if it...

Operation Stonewall (Day 16) – Battle Report

Cpt.  Milford's first mistake, setting up his defensive live to close to the enemy.The downfall of 14th Company, 313th DTR.  It began in the early evening on Friday the 13th. Three and half hours later, and I saw my entire army get chewed through as if it...

7th Scansin – Heavy Weapons

Well I've had these for a while now and just finally got around to start painting them up.  They're the Heavy Weapons from the first Kickstarter ran by Col. Gravis.  Unfortunately I didn't really take any pictures up until this point, but I'll see about...