Finally Some Action!

Ok, I am slowly clawing my way into the hobby. I have completely ditched 40K for now and waiting for the new Chaos dex and new rules before I commit to building an army. I want to theme and to do that without a dex is army suicide!! So in its place im focusing on WFB...

The Thirst!

Yo! Apologies for the last false start. I am well and truly ready to get back to it now! I was going to start off with a cheeky Cron army (easy to paint, few models, up to date blah blah) but I got a speeding ticket and I decided to return to my original project that...

My Mojo is Coming Back!

Hi Sorry for no updates etc, but I have taken a long break from the hobby. I think its just what I needed, I will however be coming back with my daemons (40K) as I miss the tourny scene and want to do a ToS @ Warhammer World. The only difference this time is I wont be...

New Bases – Jungle, No Snow!

Yo Their was something bugging me about my Cryx army which is why I havent painted anymore until I could put my finger on what. After watching Pirates of the Caribbean, I realised what. I was making a pirate themed army on snow bases! The theme just wasent working so...

iiiiiiit’s Chriiiiiiiistmas!

Hi Well, no not really, but look what mr Postman brought! This is my 50pt Terminus list, with a couple of options. Im going to get another Warcaster and a few other units as alot of tourmies seem to require you to take more than one list. I will see how this Tier 4...