by Mart | Jun 8, 2011
Im not one for these kind of things, as I think if you dont like a product or whatever just dont buy etc, etc. But whats interesting is that what he is saying fits with what I am doing without me giving it to much thought. I have bought into WM, but really I have...
by Mart | Jun 6, 2011
Yo! I have ordered the remaining Bloodcrushers I need to complete about 2K Khorne Daemons. I have decided that this is eventually going to be my tourny army Im going to use for some years to come. Hulls Angels (my local club) are running a "Tale of the X Gamers"...
by Mart | Jun 2, 2011
Just to let you know Im still here and I will be picking up the hobby again soon with my daemons. The club Hulls Angels is running a campaign based on the tale of X gamers where you build paint and play starting at 500pts building up to 1750. The first 500pts need to...
by Mart | May 24, 2011
A three month saga of decorating, putting the house on the market, the house selling on the first viewing not even being a day on the market, surveyor reports and finally the icing on the cake... my boiler breaking down a week before the move costing me a cool £1300...
by Mart | Apr 28, 2011
Thanks for looking, my next batch of Orks are up for sale. CLICK HERE Will be putting Boyz, trukks, Nobz and characters after this batch.