Two Years On…

I really don't know or care how many will read this, but... it's been a little bit, hasn't it?By this point, it should be clear that I'm not coming back. Different priorities and such. But I feel I should at least give you some sort of 'so, this is what I'm doing now'...

It Should Be Pretty Obvious What This Post Is About

I knew it had to happen eventually. I've burned out. The world is advancing and I can't keep up. Therefore, I think I'm going to retire from blogging for a while. I can't really say much more than that.I think I properly realised this when the new Daemons book came...

Bryss’ Improvised Points Theory: Botheration

Tesla goes with everything. I mean everything.As you are doubtless unaware, I sometimes spend stupid amounts of time trying to answer an unanswerable question regarding points. By this point, I've pretty much given up doing so for infantry. But the vehicle one worked...

An Idea or Several

Greetings ladies, gentlemen and Fuzz, this is your glorious anatidine leader, Master Ufllbcan M. Bryss, PhD, DPhil LLB BDSM YMCA (Hons). Otherwise known as aspiring law student and stand-up comedian *********. That's all one word. Now, this may amount to...

Bryss’ Musings: Ye Gads…

As you are doubtless aware, the new Dark Angels book is out. You may also remember I highly considered switching to the new book when it came out. With news of cheaper Librarians and more flexible Tactical Squads, among other things in game sense this seems like...