
So, due to exams and holiday the painting has taken a bit of a backseat, but after a conversation with my eldest, i did paint modify the paint job on this guy. He's clearly not enjoying the effects of rule changes.

Blood Raven Stormraven COMPLETED.

Well, this was a long job, and now it's done. As promised, a gallery of shots from my Blood Raven Stormraven, the largest vehicle I've yet painted. Comments, as ever, appreciated.Ready for Embarkation (once I've painted some Assault Marines!)Read more »

Blood Ravens Stormraven Progress Report 4

If I have learned nothing else on this project, it's that large vehicle are an absolute bastard to photograph. But for now....I really can't wait to get this thundering across the battlefield. I'll get a proper gallery set up, once I work out how to take some decent...

Storm Raven Progress Report 3: Assembly

Well, the damn thing is finally completely put together. BEHOLD!Obviously there is still a substantial amount of work to do. The brown areas are marking out where the bone colour sections are going to go, and there is a ton of touch of work to do before I start...

Storm Raven Progress Report 2

So, work progresses on the Storm Raven. Now its assembled the scale of it really becomes apparent, but in fairness to it I think it looks a lot less clunky in the flesh than in many of the pictures you see. Sure, it's not a graceful or elegant thing, but what...