by Matthew Davies | Apr 8, 2014
It has been a bit quiet on the modelling front this week. With family visits, and university deadlines this week, I haven’t had a spare moment to actually work on anything. However, I did find an idle half-hour to put onto paper my plans for a new defiler model.And...
by Matthew Davies | Apr 5, 2014
Helmets are a good way of modelling your forces to fit a common theme. Plague marines (and associate humans) are ideal candidates for heads with fleshy build-ups, mutations and corrosion. More industrious armies like the Iron Warriors or Imperial Fists might wish for...
by Matthew Davies | Apr 1, 2014
The Relic Predator is now fully built, and is ready for a few layers of paint.My main tasks in it lately have been adding finishing touches. I’ve fully trimmed both sides of extra armour, and have closed up the last roof hatch with a panel. A few extra rivets were...
by Matthew Davies | Mar 29, 2014
My Bolt Action Germans have received some armour support, in the form of this Renault R35 light tank, freshly looted from the French army.The tank has been painted in standard early-war Dunkelgrau (Grey). I started with an airbrushed coat of Vallejo Model Air...
by Matthew Davies | Mar 26, 2014
Helmets are a great way to change up your models. To signify special characters, or simply to add a bit of variety, you can’t really go wrong with a good old head-swap. Today, I’m looking at Maxmini’s Mecha Egyptian helmets. These helmets are ideal for 28mm...