by Matthew Davies | Sep 21, 2013
It's been a very busy few days. I've mainly been focusing on two things; my new MKIII marines, and my slightly forgotten Decimator.The MKIII Thousand Sons use the Legion Iron Armour I reviewed last time, apart from the sorcerer that leads them. All of them now have...
by Matthew Davies | Sep 19, 2013
Forge World's Horus Heresy kits seem to be some of their biggest selling items recently. Their uniqueness appeals to many who were taken in by stories of the Horus Heresy, and the kits make it much easier to build the armies. Space Marines formed the basis of the...
by Matthew Davies | Sep 17, 2013
The battle-group rode slowly through the confines of the imperial refinery. Towering silos and mountains of scrap littered the land-scape, making it a literal metal rainforest. The unit of Predator battle-tanks had been prowling the area for heretic forces. So far...
by Matthew Davies | Sep 14, 2013
It is hard to deny that there is a lot of variety in 40k. From all the codexes to Forgeworld units, there is plenty to choose from. However, what if that isn't enough, and you want to make something of your own to play in games? Here's a few tips on doing so.What do...
by Matthew Davies | Sep 12, 2013
To have a break from constantly working on the Fellblade, I've been making a few random models from my leftover spares. One such model is this, a new sorcerer. This model will be leading a unit of Thousand Sons in MKIII power armour, which are hopefully on their way...