John will return in…..

John will return in…..

Sorry for the months of radio silence, but I fully intend to get back into blogging with the new Imperial Guard Codex as/when it's released, including any supplements.But for now here's the sort of list I've been rocking with for the last few months....Codex Space...
Hey? Wait! What?! Oh and some Marines and Grey Knights…

Hey? Wait! What?! Oh and some Marines and Grey Knights…

Well if I'm not playing I'm not really blogging.With the advent of the new Space Marine book and that I have nearly collected subconsciously a full Battle Company along side my Ultramarine 1st Company (mainly make weights in trades) I'm pretty much ready to roll with...

Blood Angel and Space Wolf Psychic Choir Bomb

Another crazy idea on the night shift.....HQBA Libby, Fear of Darkness, Blood Lance = 100BA Libby, Fear of Darkness, Blood Lance = 100Fear of Darkness is great against most infantry hordes. Blood Lance for Mech car parks.Rune Priest, Jaws, Living Lightning, Chooser...

Blog Wars 5: Army Finished!

So with Blog Wars 5 due in just under 2 weeks time I have finally finished my 1850pts Ultramarines for the event.HQ: Captain Sol Invictus (counts as Logan Grimnar) = 275 Librarian Severian (Rune Priest), Terminator Armour, Storm Bolter, Force Staff, Jaws of the World...

Space Marines and Tau – "Shadow Shirke"

Been looking through the Tau book and every time I look at Shadowsun I always think of her, shrike, and 20 Terminators.No it's not some weird dogging group it's a purely infiltrating list.....Space Marines & Tau Allies 1850HQShadow Captain Shrike = 195Libby,...