October Construction

Having acquired both the Lord of the Rings starter set and the Star Wars Legion box set within the last month, there was only ever going to be one outcome – construction!!Not being able to decide which to build first I decided to build both at the same time. And the...

Star Wars Legion – Getting Started

As soon as this game was announced there was an inevitability that it would appear in our house at some point – a 40k-esque wargame but with Star Wars characters – I'm just amazed that I held out so long.I was at the Tabletop Gaming Live show at Alexandria Palace...

Getting Started With Age Of Sigmar – Storm Strike

Age of Sigmar was something that never appealed to me. GW decided to defy every gamer's belief and bin Warhammer, and AoS was the replacement – a pseudo 40k set in a multi-realm universe where pseudo Space Marines (or rather their fantasy equivalent) once again took...

Sherwood September

A month ago, Mr Awdry demonstrated his Donnybrook-based Witchfinder game which was another overwhelming success (after the stunning Congo last year). I came away inspired and compelled to have a go at creating a demo game day myself, and so it is time to start the...

Donnybrook Witchfinder

I've had almost 3 months away from the blog doing 'stuff' but felt compelled to add a random post after yet another top drawer day of gaming at Awdry Towers.You may remember our last major outing to the Congo – Michael goes all out to construct a gaming table that...