Wargame Hobby Bingo

I found an article on Rob Hawkins' blog about his Wargame Hobby Bingo, and at the time thought that it was something that our good friend Mr Awdry would embrace completely. Never really considered it myself as hobby time is so subdued at present that any one of the...

New Year, New Army… Or Three

So given that it is a new year (and we're already at the end of January), what are the hobby plans? Do I have any hobby aspirations for the year?The first part of the year will be taken up working… on the upcoming Anvil 8 releases. We've got a monster of an RPG book...

How I Paint Stormtroopers

After last months game of Star Wars Legion, and the fact that my Stormtroopers looked rather pitiful, I decided to do a test model to see how I could effectively paint them. Stormtroopers should be very easy to paint but somehow have proved challenging, both for...

The Empire Invades Pevensey

So given that Mr Awdry had a birthday last week, myself and Bull braved torrential rain on Saturday to visit Awdry Towers and participate in a first game of Star Wars Legion.I had spent the last week feverishly painting my Imperial troops… and failed miserably. Mr...

Painting Lord Of The RIngs Undead

So my painting exploits. limited as they are, have settled upon my Lord of the Rings models. I've got some base colours down on the Uruk-Hai and even pulled apart the Mordor Troll to turn him into an Isengard Troll instead, but that's for another post.As an aside from...