Mezoan Raiders – Serberys Raiders and Sulphurhounds

 To be promoted from the Skitarii maniples to the Serberys corps is a great honour. They ride swift quadrupedal constructs whose razor-clawed limbs allow them to manoeuvre easily over the most shattered terrain, while their riders are mag-locked in...

Mezoa on wings – Petraxii Reinforcements

 One of many specialised castes of cyborg warriors available to the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Pteraxii are optimised for instinctive reaction and agility. Pteraxii’s reflexes are accentuated by paring back elements of cogitation that impede their primary function....

Mezoan Medicare – Show me where it hurts

 Magos Biologis Rebus Perscrutandis prowls the battlefield looking for victims of Mezoa fury to dissect for study and in many cases Mezoan fallen for the very same reason.A nice simple conversion using the new forgeworld Doctor Arachnos model with a...

Mezoan Forgefather – a little side project

 he Forge Master Omni Gallus has serviced the war forces of Mezoa since before anyone can recall and even searches in to his service to the forge come up short.Finally some hobby progress of the 40k kind, or maybe that should be Rogue Trader kind!This little...

Battlefleet Hermetika – House Hermetika crosses the stars

 House Hermetika crosses the stars in style!Spent a product couple of hours this week working on something different to 28mm and went down to “that’s bloody small” scale.Decided to put together a House Hermetika themed drop fleet for Battlefleet Gothic.I don’t...