Mezoan Chibius Pattern Skitarii

 This unusual Chibius Pattern Skitarii has been spotted accompanying the forces of Mezoa under the guidance of Magos Cawl, this has led to some speculation that Cawl maybe experimenting with some kind of Primaris Skitarii - albeit with various levels of success!!...

Mezoa Marches – Duneriders riding

A trio of Mezoa variant Skorpius vehicles prepare to engage the enemies of the Omnissiah. The extended troop bays and modified turrets were done again to reduce the number of models required but also to give a more robust look to the craft. They can be fielded as...

Mezoa Marches – Ironstrider Engines

A brace of Curvabilis pattern Ironstrider Engines of the forgeworld Mezoa scour the rad wastes for abominations of the flesh.Converted to have both the lance and the lascannons to enable me to field as either option - given they are quite expensive base models anyway

Mezoa Marches – Exploratory team Omicron-Mui-Gamma 20

Exploratory team Omicron-Mui-Gamma 20 from the Forgeworld of Mezoa begin their investigations of the remnants a recent battle.Manipulus Valik of Omicron-Mui- Gamma 2020Technoarchaeologist Daedalosian of explorator team Omicron-Mui-Gamma 2020Xiphon 101 and Termina 88...