Creative Collaboration

Well, I did promise you some work, so I'll be trying to put up some posts over the next few days/weeks showing what I've been up to.This figure here is quite an interesting one. You might've seen him grow and develop over several months - which is how many of my...

Bloody, bold and Resolute (2013 Edition)

Well, as all can attest, this blog has been far too quiet over the last six months (or so.) So, Happy New Year to you all! Peter has nagged me into trying to get a Resolution post up. If you are a long-time follower of this blog, you may remember that in December...

Mastering the Mega-Battle

So, the time came to pass for us to play the REQUIEM mega-battle. Some of the other participants have already begun to put up their recollections of the day - Neil has produced an excellent series of articles here and here; Keravin and Little Brother have put up...

Readying for the Requiem

After the INQvitational in June, I received a number of emails suggesting that a game or series of games be run surrounding the events of Inquisitrix Madine's funeral. She had been assassinated at the climax of the Helios Succession, and some of the players felt that...


Hello all, This (academic) year hasn't been that kind to my hobbying; however, this weekend I was able to organise a series of INQ28 games at Warhammer World. I'll be trying to put up a series of articles over the coming days which should bring this blog back to life...