Here’s Helsmarck!

Hey guys, Since the last post I've returned back to work (what a drag!) and been battered by real-life issues. I was overwhelmed by the generosity of RiseoftheMagi (Jon), who went to Warhammer World, got my coat, and then posted it back to me.I can return the favour...

INQvitational: The Aftermath!

The INQvitational was yesterday. A grand old day was had by all, except for a few blemishes: > I managed to leave my coat at Warhammer World> The coat had my house keys in > Then we had a car crash on the way back home! Still, here are a few pics to keep you...

Inquisitrix Benadice

Hobbyists are a notoriously fickle lot, so it's really something when we see a project reach a natural end. So many of us leave these half-hearted abortive attempts lying around.Not Peter "PDH" Hudson, who really is one of my hobby heroes. He's been working steadily...

Inquisitor Stheno

 I got an email today from Andy Hoare, (he of various-Games-Workshop-rulebooks-but-also-posts-on-talesfromthemaelstrom-fame.)Andy's taking part in the INQvitational (now just ten days away!) with this retinue, led by the Inquisitrix, Stheno. I don't have much...