Blog Wars Challenge

Ok guys, I'm sure many of you know Adam from the Space Wolves Blog...well a challenge (or gentleman's wager) has been issued by him for me to get my Grey Knights army built and painted into a 1750pt... Please visit the Grey Knights of Titan blog at...

Grey Knights Dreadnought Tactics

The Grey Knights Dreadnought was once an extremely durable mainstay of the Grey Knight army along with the Land Raider, but does it still hold it's own against the Nemesis Dreadknight, Purgation... Please visit the Grey Knights of Titan blog at...

Grey Knights Stormraven Gunship Tactics

So the Stormraven Gunship is being hailed by many as the new Land Raider of the Grey Knights Codex, but can an armour 12 transport skimmer really be that good? Well the an the face of things the... Please visit the Grey Knights of Titan blog at...

Wound Allocation

Ok so what is this wound allocation so many people go on about in 40k nowadays and how is this going to help me use my Grey Knights more effectively?? In this in this post I will try to break down in... Please visit the Grey Knights of Titan blog at...

Grey Knights Terminator Tactics

Ah the Terminator armoured Grey Knights, a squad of badass zealots so devoted to the destruction of the foul daemon that the mere mention of them makes Aegis armour glow with contempt! But are... Please visit the Grey Knights of Titan blog at...