Grey Knights of Titan Live from Blog Wars…

Evening guys, Firstly I just want to apologise for the lack of posting on the blog this week, this was due to a technical issue which has been corrected by my fist meeting with the crappy modem!... Please visit the Grey Knights of Titan blog at...

Grey Knights Nemesis Dreadknight Tactics

The Nemesis Dreadknight is the new unique toy for us Grey Knight players, while it isn't to everybody's taste I personally like it and think its inclusion in the Grey Knight codex is justified... Please visit the Grey Knights of Titan blog at...

Blog Wars Challenge Update

Ok guys so it's a little over a week since I told you all about the Blog Wars Challenge and so I thought I'd give you a worth while update... I've decided 100% on the list I'm going to run at... Please visit the Grey Knights of Titan blog at...

Magnetising Grey Knights: Terminators

So Adam over at the Space Wolves Blog has been asking me how I'm magnetising my Grey Knight army so  here is a tutorial so all you guys out there can maximise the use of all those pretty... Please visit the Grey Knights of Titan blog at...

Grey Knights Army List For Blog Wars

So I've been putting a lot of thought in to how I can create a fluffy yet competitive 1750pt army list in time for Blog Wars, I've already decided it will be Grey Knight Terminator based but... Please visit the Grey Knights of Titan blog at...