Hellbrutes (part 3)

Hellbrutes slowly becoming ToadBrutesA little more progress on these ugly buggers. Day by day they get closer to their final forms. I'm still confident I can get these fellas done by the end of the month. Twice I was almost distracted from my goal, once by my...

Nurgle list (1850 pts.)

Nurgle Daemon Prince + Nurgle Lord7 Plague Marines10 (of 20) Nurgle CultistsNurgle ForgefiendObliterator Cult (2 of 3)Blight Drone Swarm (2 of 3)"Toad Brutes" (HellBrute Mayhem Pack Formation)

Hellbrutes (part 2)

Nurgle Hellbrutes (2 of 3)I got some more super-detailing done on Ol' Smokey here, and, as promised; a pic of his pack-mate.I have a 3rd Hellbrute, another DV push-fit model, but what I really want is an old ForgeWorld Nurgle Dreadnought. We'll see what happens.Better...

Hellbrute WIP

Nurgle Hellbrute I grabbed this push-fit Dark Vengeance Hellbrute on the cheap from ebay, just so I could mess him up. I did a foot and an arm swap but mostly I was challenging myself by trying to make the back of this model look good; but in the end, I wasn't...

Whispers from the Warp

This post is all teasers and rumours, but change is coming...Production on The Lord Inquisitor movie keeps chugging along, there's a new "Grey Kights" trailer out, and it looks great so far! There's also a new Deathwing game coming, so here's the...