Raptors WIP

Raptors WIP

I'm still putting the Champ and Melta guy together, and waiting on some more DeathGuard Havok shoulderpads.More to come!The Raptor/Warp Talon box is such a great kit!

Test Plague Bearer

Here's my first crack at painting one of these guys. I want to figure out a couple more alternative paint recipes so my whole army doesn't look the exact same... but so far so good.Haven't really tackled the base yet. I have to get my mud recipe nailed down, then once...

How White Dwarf talked me out of the Box Set

Everybody is excited, and rushing to pre-order the new Dark Vengeance box. Seduced by the promise of shiny new push-fit plastics. Not me; White Dwarf talked me out of it.WD392 Gives us an in-depth look at the new box; to be honest, the whole magazine is just an ad for...


Book 1 of Forge Worlds Horus Heresy series is coming... Betrayal.  Sons of Horus, Emperor's Children, World Eaters, with a dash of Death Guard. I guess I'm cool with that. FW already have the plague marine kits, and all the old armour marks... so the good ol'...

Leaked Brute pics

The written description of this thing didn't get me very excited. I've never really gone in for the Chaos dreads in the past; the GW metal one was such a gross sculpt, and FW models were too rich for my blood. But this gentleman here... this plastic beauty has me...