Is it time for 6th yet?

I'm trying to tie-up some loose ends, hobby-wise w/ my Lords of Decay while waiting for 40K 6th edition to drop... but w/ 5th edition rulebooks already pulled from the shelves, I wish the new stuff would just come-out already! Feels like they're dragging their feet. I...

Bye bye community

bye bye communityMy last post (March 26th) was full of optimism and joy at the FTW community being back; 4 days later it was down again "for good". Such a pity.I get it; Ron is a husband, father, and has a full-time job, his personal time is precious. FTW must be very...

Rhino II

I recently got my hands on the Forgeworld Masterclass book I've been coveting for ages, and it got me all fired-up to do some tank conversions/ weathering. Unfortunately, the closest thing I've got to any Tanks on my workbench though are a couple of Rhinos.This is a...