Daemon Princes (part 5)

"C'mere...Gimme a kiss!"Here's a look at the head-swap I did on my Finecast Daemon Prince of Nurgle. I call him Ol' Maggy. Head generously donated by Mike from The Santa Cruz Warhammer Barter Bucket.I realize these aren't the greatest pictures, but you can kinda see...

A shoulder to cry on

I gave the DP's shoulder pad to my Ultraforge model, so as a personal challenge, I wanted to try to emulate it as best I could with GS. Still some touching up to do, but I'm mostly happy with how it's coming along.

Daemon Princes (part 03)

A side by side shot of my two Daemon Princes. You can just kinda start to see some of the WIP conversions I'm making to my Finecast Nurgle Prince.

Prince in Progress

Thursday I gave a sneak-peek at one of my WIP Daemon Princes. Here is another one. This pic is from a test-fit with the wings. Still a lot of work to do on this guy.More to come.:)