by Mr.Esty | Jan 29, 2012
I gave the DP's shoulder pad to my Ultraforge model, so as a personal challenge, I wanted to try to emulate it as best I could with GS. Still some touching up to do, but I'm mostly happy with how it's coming along.
by Mr.Esty | Jan 21, 2012
A side by side shot of my two Daemon Princes. You can just kinda start to see some of the WIP conversions I'm making to my Finecast Nurgle Prince.
by Mr.Esty | Jan 18, 2012
by Mr.Esty | Jan 16, 2012
Thursday I gave a sneak-peek at one of my WIP Daemon Princes. Here is another one. This pic is from a test-fit with the wings. Still a lot of work to do on this guy.More to come.:)