1 Step Forward, 2 Steps Back

So, I didn't get my herald sculpted and painted by Christmas as I'd hoped. He fell off the workbench, and snapped off the staff with the 3-eyed nurgling. The fall also damaged and loosened his "good" antler to the point where, it's a complete re-do. I'll be honest; it...

Herald of Nurgle (part 3)

I've added the tongue (two Bloodletter tongues glued together w/ some GS to fill out the back) and a little more to the face. Sloooooowly getting there.Man, I hope Nurgle Heralds get good rules in the next Daemon codex.Oh! Also, a big thank you to the guys at Santa...

Herald of Nurgle (part 2)

More baby steps with GS. Filled out the jowls and rolls on his neck, starting to bulk out the nurgling on his hip (might have to name these guys).