Termagant Fun! (Part 5)

 You got to see a preview of these guys at the end of part 4, now I'm going to talk about them in a bit more detail. These guys were painted  primarily using Contrast Paints. Skeleton Horde on the gun, claws and teeth. Ultramarines Blue on the armored...

The Doom of Malan’tai and Zoanthrope Friends (Part 1)

 This is a project I have been wanting to do for many years now. The original Zoanthrope miniature from the mid-'90s was a grotesque mess that was not just displeasing to the eye, but it didn't even conform to the description as presented in the Warhammer 40,000...

The 2023 Inquisitional Conclave.

 The time has arrived. This year's secret location, in an orbital station somewhere close to the Maelstrom, has attendees arriving slowly and cautiously to it. Voidsmen by Da MastacheefThe first shuttle arrived, and when the doors opened these...

Inquisitor Alpha (Part 3)

 Inquisitor "Alpha".This guy was more challenging than my initial assessment of the model led me to believe it would be. There are odd wires and minor details I didn't catch until I really started working on him. And whatever the hell is going on with his gun arm...

The Hivefleet Neverness Repair Prioject (Part 1)

 As told in the most recent battle report, a lot of my tyranid force was damaged due to heat exposure. The damage was done mostly to their bases (thankfully) and only one model was truly damaged.  Other models had their tabs warped and malformed when...