KHARN!!! (Feeling Khorney Part 12)

 Now with more skulls!Recently I took the time to access the state of my Worldeaters force and the most glaring thing to me was that Kharn's base, still on his original 25mm one, was way too small. He was always too big for that base, with his feet spreading over...

Worldeaters Master of Executions (Part 3)

 The finished model.And here is the finished Master of Executions. But first let's finish the WIP steps:After some deliberation I settled on making the helm on the trophy rack a Dark Angel. My usual method of painting DAs was confounded when I discovered that my...

World Eaters Master of Executions (Part 2)

I'm back with some work-in-progress updates on our friend, the World Eaters Master of Executions. After priming him in Chaos Black, I added Khorne Red to the armored areas. I mean, would anything else make sense?Next, Mournfang Brown was used to base coat the...

Necron Lord with Resurrection Orb (Part 1)

 Not long after I finished my chaos android redux miniature I found this blister pack lurking in my collection. I originally bought it and gifted it to brother about 10 years ago when he was flirting with the notion of coming back to 40k and possibly playing...

Daemonkin of Khorne vs. World Eater Codex.

 This is a sort of review of the new World Eaters Codex for Warhammer 40,000 9th edition. It's really more like a compare and contrast between a book that came out in 7th edition and this new one for 9th. Both lists included a Blood Tithe mechanic so it makes...