Nurgle Champion Bust (Art Monday)

 Here's one I forgot about. This is a Champion of Nurgle, complete with some adorable nurglings to accompany him. If I remember this one took a lot of time to do. I regret that I didn't include his backpack, but whatever...This was done as a submission piece to...

Space Skaven #3 (Art Monday)

 This is the third Space Skaven drawing that I did way back in the mid-'90s. It's probably my favorite one also. I think it capture the raggy and dirty vibe of the Warhammer Fantasy Skaven yet still hits the 40k mark also. Again, these were submitted to the Dark...

The Deadly Assassins (Part 7)

 Last year I painted Knosso Prond, a Death Cult Assassin. I was quite pleased with her and wanted to paint the older metal Death Cult Assassins, which I have now done. Their paint scheme is entirely based off of the Knosso Prond miniature from last year, and you...

Space Skaven #2 (Art Monday)

 This is the second Space Skaven illustration done as a submission to The Dark Library in hopes I could get some stuff published in their next issue. But, sadly, there never was a next issue. I had no brief or anything when I did these drawings, I just went...