Sylvan Heros – Part 2 – The Forest Warden

Hi everyone,This week I tackle the Forest Warden.  This is my old Durthu model from the defunct Citadel Wood Elf range.  With this model done the phase one of this project has come to completion.I always liked this model, and the character even more.  I...

Sylvan Heros – Part 1

Hi everyone,With the completion of the Elf Spear Horde unit, PHASE ONE of the army I had to convert is now done.  I just have to add new units to it.  I do, though, have two characters which I need to add to the army.The first is my Unicorn Mage Rider. ...

Kings of War:- Elf Spears Part 5 – Finished!

Hi everyone,The Elf Spears horde unit are finally finished!!!  This is the last of the units I had already painted that were converted to the Kings of War system.  From now on, any units I start will be new units.  I already have some plans laid out!The...

Kings of War:- Elf Spears Part 4

Hi everyone,I have finally started to work on the cavalry leader of the Elf Spear Unit.  This was not as straight forward as one might think.  The 'bit' of the horse gear around the mouth and the reins were very thick.  The reins were in fact ropes...