by oni | Apr 14, 2011
The title pretty much says it all. I’m really pleased with how this model is coming along I may even end up mounting him on a plinth. On to the tutorial… Step 1. The bronze details were first basecoated with a 1:1:1 mix of Tin Bitz, Dwarf...
by oni | Apr 9, 2011
As promised I’m back with another step-by-step painting tutorial with photos. This time around I’m doing the gold bits of the Archon. Step 1. The gold bits were base coated with a 1:1 mix of Scorched Brown and Shining Gold. Step 2. They were...
by oni | Apr 4, 2011
Hi all, just a small update on the Archon. I didn’t bother to stop and take step-by-step photos on this one because there just isn’t that much to cover. Step 1. Lay down a base coat of Mechrite Red. Step 2. Build up the colour with Blood Red....
by oni | Mar 23, 2011
Wow… I need a drink… OK, Now that I have my Rum & Coke I can type out this post of paint mixing followed by more paint mixing and finish it off with completely absurd paint mixing. So on with it then… Step 1. After priming the model Chaos Black I laid...
by oni | Mar 21, 2011
While I’m pretty sure I have the equivalent of hobby ADD this side project is for good cause. So for the time being all of my other projects have been put on temporary hold. I’m painting this Archon for a friend who’s incredible act of generosity compels me to...